Saturday, September 1, 2018

Call to action

September 1st (164 words)
Call to action.  “Call to action is a marketing term used extensively in advertising and selling. It refers to any device designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale”  (Wikipedia).  What devices has God designed to get us moving?

The cross – which crucified Jesus the Christ!
God’s grace – undeserved favor poured out for us.
God’s loving presence – being with us through thick and thin
God’s creation (1) – he made it all by his power for his glory! 
God’s creation (2) – His creation is all around us showing us his power, love, presence, beauty, attention to detail.

This is a list of devices that God has made, which, when understood and experienced, have the power to promote an immediate response.

What r u going to do in response to God’s amazing work and person?

I’d suggest we worship him.
I suggest we respond by acting in thankfulness.
I suggest we find people around us who need love!

Go for it!!!

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