June 26th (336 words)
Are you beautiful inside – beautiful like a sunset… beautiful like a misty lake at 5 in the morning… beautiful like a butterfly? Do you know the one who makes things beautiful? Jesus makes things beautiful because he gives us his beauty – he shines his light in us and through us.
I start this blog with very little idea of where it is going.
I start it with a song in my head. Katie Herzig: Beautiful Inside
It is a romantic song sung about love – directed toward another who is beautiful inside.
Reading between the lines – and singing the song as if it is sung from God to us gives a new spin for my fatigued soul. Reading the lyrics… actually shows me that the song doesn’t fit perfectly for my context and for this post… but I do need to hear this one little phrase. Because of what Jesus has done: I’m beautiful inside.
Hearing the phrase sung to the moving tune of Miss Herzig adds a delight that can only come from God for this weary soul. When you have been saved by Jesus – he makes you beautiful inside.
It’s the last week of work before vacation. The only reason this is relevant is that it gives you a little more context to my post – writing before a much-needed rest!
Here is a great-big-theology-word for you: Justification. This means being clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ. This means that the stain of sin is wiped clean. This means that the heart-home where the Holy Spirit lives – my life which is the indwelling place of God – has been made beautiful by a God-made-miracle.
Here I am connecting two things: righteousness and holiness equal beauty. This is the song God is singing to me – and you get to listen in. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Let God make you beautiful inside!
Here is another you-tube song that applies!
Jesus makes beautiful things (A Gungor Lyric Video)
be beautiful!